We are fast approaching that cold, damp time of the year which produces a lot
of mold, stale damp smells and
condensation in your home.
"Why do our homes get wet, damp and moldy, we look after our house, keep it well maintained and have expert advise yet still have issues". This is a question many people ask themselves this time of the year and when you understand what actually happens, it actually makes sense.
To keep the explanation as short ans as simple as possible it can be summed up like this. We all produce moisture by many means, basically cooking, showering, cleaning and breathing. We can introduce up to 30 liters per day dependent on the family size, liken it to tipping 3 x 10 liter buckets of water throughout your home every day. What happens to that water? In summer most is gone through evaporation from wind and heat due to doors and windows being opened on a regular basis. In winter, we keep the home locked up tight, 'modern homes are even more air tight' so where does that water go, it doesn't magically disappear, it is absorbed into your home, furnishings, clothing, bedding, carpets and as the years pass, into the physical structure of the house. This moisture is constantly being 'mobilised' due to heating and cooling within the home both mechanically and naturally hence everything having a damp or wet feel, very high humidity within the home and consequently feeding mold, bacteria and general sickness such as coughs and colds, asthma and respiratory illness. If this moisture can be dealt with as it is caused, it makes for a more healthier, cleaner,drier and warmer home. To find out how to deal with it as it is caused, have a read of our '20 good pointers' which will help control moisture within the home.
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