This time of the year, when autumn battles with winter for supremacy, condensation in the home is prevalent. Mother nature throws the odd curve ball at us and we are confused whether it is actually autumn or winter. Typically this is experienced as excess condensation forming on windows and in some cases walls or even furniture.
Why does this happen? You may have done everything out of the book and made your home as dry and warm as possible and upgraded the heating, insulation and ventilation, yet there are still days where the windows are misty, wet or even running! This is what we call in the industry a 'moisture spike'. It has come about from having warm days that are not yet wintry cold days, the outside daytime temperatures may still be 18 degrees plus, the air is laden with moisture which is commonly known as humidity, even the evenings are not that cold and could still be 14 degrees plus THEN overnight BAM we have a cold snap. All of a sudden that moisture laden air has no where to go as the warmer air cannot hold it, it drops out of the air onto any cold surface that will have it, typically this forms on glass as condensation. You may experience this once or twice over the month of May, you may experience this 1,2 or three days in a row and notice that it will get better as each day passes. This is happening as the daytime air gets cooler and the night time air gets cooler we then start experiencing a lower outside air humidity. Our home will then return to normal.
This is a common experience for many home owners at this time of the year. This can affect homes with good insulation, good heating and good ventilation systems regardless of brand. It does affect some houses differently to others depending on the particular designs, build and the habits of the occupants. Some may experience this moisture spike on a day when others dont and visa versa, some may experience it worse than others and some may not experience anything at all. No system can 100% prevent this from happening, it is mother nature showing her power and dominance.You can be rest assured that it will only be for a short time during the change in season and for those with good ventilation systems, it will clear quickly.
The best way to handle this situation is firstly not to panic and think that something is wrong, it is common and is normal. In the case of ventilation check the settings, check that the settings are not still turned down low for summer. The warmer you make your home will lessen this effect.
Welcome to winter.
Why does this happen? You may have done everything out of the book and made your home as dry and warm as possible and upgraded the heating, insulation and ventilation, yet there are still days where the windows are misty, wet or even running! This is what we call in the industry a 'moisture spike'. It has come about from having warm days that are not yet wintry cold days, the outside daytime temperatures may still be 18 degrees plus, the air is laden with moisture which is commonly known as humidity, even the evenings are not that cold and could still be 14 degrees plus THEN overnight BAM we have a cold snap. All of a sudden that moisture laden air has no where to go as the warmer air cannot hold it, it drops out of the air onto any cold surface that will have it, typically this forms on glass as condensation. You may experience this once or twice over the month of May, you may experience this 1,2 or three days in a row and notice that it will get better as each day passes. This is happening as the daytime air gets cooler and the night time air gets cooler we then start experiencing a lower outside air humidity. Our home will then return to normal.
This is a common experience for many home owners at this time of the year. This can affect homes with good insulation, good heating and good ventilation systems regardless of brand. It does affect some houses differently to others depending on the particular designs, build and the habits of the occupants. Some may experience this moisture spike on a day when others dont and visa versa, some may experience it worse than others and some may not experience anything at all. No system can 100% prevent this from happening, it is mother nature showing her power and dominance.You can be rest assured that it will only be for a short time during the change in season and for those with good ventilation systems, it will clear quickly.
The best way to handle this situation is firstly not to panic and think that something is wrong, it is common and is normal. In the case of ventilation check the settings, check that the settings are not still turned down low for summer. The warmer you make your home will lessen this effect.
Welcome to winter.